The Predator (2018)
Director: Shane Black
Company: Proof, Inc.
Role: Previsualization Lead
Time on project: June 2016 - August 2016
Previs Supervisor: Eric Benedict
The Predator was a unique project that combined time on a studio lot, facetime directly with the director and other above-the-line filmmakers, and a relaxed, collaborative spirit that leveraged our expertise as a previs team very well. Shane Black was a lot of fun to work with, testing out his jokes on the preproduction team during our dailies, and you could tell he really cared about doing the franchise justice. There was a two-week stint on the project where I substituted for Eric as the supervisor, which was an opportunity that I embraced wholeheartedly. The team did great work over a long a difficult period involving hiatuses, traveling from Los Angeles to Vancouver and back again. Hats off to them all.
Sequences on which I worked:
Predator dogs battle
Super Predator arrival
The Predator (2018)
Director: Shane Black
Company: Proof, Inc.
Role: Previsualization Lead
Time on project: June 2016 - August 2016
Previs Supervisor: Eric Benedict
The Predator was a unique project that combined time on a studio lot, facetime directly with the director and other above-the-line filmmakers, and a relaxed, collaborative spirit that leveraged our expertise as a previs team very well. Shane Black was a lot of fun to work with, testing out his jokes on the preproduction team during our dailies, and you could tell he really cared about doing the franchise justice. There was a two-week stint on the project where I substituted for Eric as the supervisor, which was an opportunity that I embraced wholeheartedly. The team did great work over a long a difficult period involving hiatuses, traveling from Los Angeles to Vancouver and back again. Hats off to them all.
Sequences on which I worked:
Predator dogs battle
Super Predator arrival
Predator dogs battle
Super Predator arrival
Unfortunately, my early time on the project as Lead was left off of the credits on this project. C'est la vie. I did want to include this kind note that Eric posted, which credited everyone who worked on the project. I also worked with him on Night of the Museum 3, and both experiences were a true joy.