Spaceman (2024)
Director: Johan Renck
Company: MPC Visualization
Role: Previsualization
Time on project: March-April 2023
VFX Supervisor: Craig Calvert
I joined Spaceman during postproduction, well after the MPC visualization crew (helmed in previs by Isaac Hingley and postvis under Herman Lee) had finished the bulk of the film's visualization work. The ending of the film had some space shots of Sandler's character being rescued that needed to be clarified in previs, so I worked with MPC Montreal's VFX Supervisor Craig Calvert and director Johan Renck to find some camera angles that balanced the how distant he was from the space station but kept him large enough to be visible in frame (a strong spotlight coming from the station helped with this). At first I thought my last shot would be the final shot of the film, but after watching the final result, the director chose to end it on a shot of the astronaut character's wife, affirming her love for him. It might not have had many CG bells and whistles, but it's hard to argue that it wasn't emotionally where the main story of their relationship truly ended.
Shot count: 3
Sequence: Space Rescue
Spaceman (2024)
Director: Johan Renck
Company: MPC Visualization
Role: Previsualization
Time on project: March-April 2023
VFX Supervisor: Craig Calvert
I joined Spaceman during postproduction, well after the MPC visualization crew (helmed in previs by Isaac Hingley and postvis under Herman Lee) had finished the bulk of the film's visualization work. The ending of the film had some space shots of Sandler's character being rescued that needed to be clarified in previs, so I worked with MPC Montreal's VFX Supervisor Craig Calvert and director Johan Renck to find some camera angles that balanced the how distant he was from the space station but kept him large enough to be visible in frame (a strong spotlight coming from the station helped with this). At first I thought my last shot would be the final shot of the film, but after watching the final result, the director chose to end it on a shot of the astronaut character's wife, affirming her love for him. It might not have had many CG bells and whistles, but it's hard to argue that it wasn't emotionally where the main story of their relationship truly ended.
Shot count: 3
Sequence: Space Rescue