Godzilla (2014)
Director: Gareth Edwards
Company: The Third Floor, inc.
Role: Previsualization Artist
Time on project: November - December 2012
Supervisor: Eric Carney
Godzilla will always be special to me. Not because I am the world's biggest Godzilla fan, although I always enjoyed it when MST3K episodes featured him in their movies, but because of how quickly it became something special as we worked on it. When I first joined the team, they were still figuring out just how big the "Big G" would be. We spent a good portion of time just doing motion tests for him and the two Mutos, whose scale and movement styles were also in question at that point. Helping to hone their behavior and screen presence was an enjoyable challenge, and seeing the final result in theaters was frightening (in the best way). The added bonus was that it felt like the culmination of my Maya animation experience, because the very first demo reel piece I animated in Maya was a fighting pair of monsters (modeled by VFS classmate Sony Green, who is the world's biggest Godzilla fan). Gareth Edwards came from a strong 3D/VFX background, and gave a touching, appreciative speech at the crew screening, since he knew first-hand what it feels like to be overlooked as a VFX artist.
Godzilla went on to become one of the ten semi-finalists for the "Best Visual Effects" Academy Award in 2015.
"Roaring Through the Previs" Article on AWN.com
Sequences on which I worked:
Godzilla approaches the Golden Gate bridge (Godzilla rises up under a boat)
Golden Gate bridge battle (School bus kids look out at ships, Tanks arrive on bridge, Soldiers scramble with heavy weapons, Godzilla blocks cruise missiles from destroying the bridge)
Chinatown faceoff (Godzilla
HALO jump (top down shots of the group)
Godzilla (2014)
Director: Gareth Edwards
Company: The Third Floor, inc.
Role: Previsualization Artist
Time on project: November - December 2012
Supervisor: Eric Carney
Godzilla will always be special to me. Not because I am the world's biggest Godzilla fan, although I always enjoyed it when MST3K episodes featured him in their movies, but because of how quickly it became something special as we worked on it. When I first joined the team, they were still figuring out just how big the "Big G" would be. We spent a good portion of time just doing motion tests for him and the two Mutos, whose scale and movement styles were also in question at that point. Helping to hone their behavior and screen presence was an enjoyable challenge, and seeing the final result in theaters was frightening (in the best way). The added bonus was that it felt like the culmination of my Maya animation experience, because the very first demo reel piece I animated in Maya was a fighting pair of monsters (modeled by VFS classmate Sony Green, who is the world's biggest Godzilla fan). Gareth Edwards came from a strong 3D/VFX background, and gave a touching, appreciative speech at the crew screening, since he knew first-hand what it feels like to be overlooked as a VFX artist.
Godzilla went on to become one of the ten semi-finalists for the "Best Visual Effects" Academy Award in 2015.
"Roaring Through the Previs" Article on AWN.com
Sequences on which I worked:
Godzilla approaches the Golden Gate bridge (Godzilla rises up under a boat)
Golden Gate bridge battle (School bus kids look out at ships, Tanks arrive on bridge, Soldiers scramble with heavy weapons, Godzilla blocks cruise missiles from destroying the bridge)
Chinatown faceoff (Godzilla
HALO jump (top down shots of the group)
Final Shot Reel